Waiting for Opportunity? Create It!

Vraj Patel
2 min readJul 28, 2020


(3rd paragraph will surely change your mind)

God has designed every single person for many different things. Everyone is born to achieve the greatest but, we wait so long to get the opportunity and never tries to take the risk and be the top.
Every single human being on this planet earth had given the same amount of chances but, you have never imagined, how worth that single idea is! A single thought made this Disney land(the Walt Disney), made this entire world Lightful( Thomas Edison), made our India peaceful(Mahatma Gandhi).

Never Ever waits!
A midnight thought is worth more than millions,don’t ever think that you don’t worth taking this step, every single successful person had once taken the risk and had not waited for the opportunity, they create it. So, you just have to take a step ahead and grab that opportunity, grab it, “GRAB IT”.
If you still think to wait for the opportunity, just understand, God is also more intelligent than you, Imagine today night you get the world-changing idea but thought to do it tomorrow and not tonight, if you didn’t wake up tomorrow you will die with regret. so, just that moment start working on it.
Because boi , no-one never knows their last night, everyday work like you’re going to die tomorrow.

I know There Is still 30% of People Waiting for it.
So, there is the only thing I want to say is that your Dreams worth more than you thought of because God has chosen you to accomplish that world-changing idea, there are 700 corers people on this earth and you are chosen by the creator to create a new era of life, so take action otherwise you will not able to die peacefully and who knows it’s your last day.

“You are waiting for God to provide you an opportunity but God is waiting for you to just start” This is just a simple and most affecting blog so far.
I hope you got the point of my mind.

“thank you”



Vraj Patel

Life long learner. Currently :Blogging📖, Learning Coding 🔰 and web development 🌐. Chase dreams.