Four Most Provoking Stages Of Life!

Vraj Patel
3 min readJul 29, 2020


(2nd one is the most damaging )

Four-stage of for every single human being’s life is Expansion, Boom, Recession and Depression.

1. Expansion
It means there will be a time when you will start your business or like anything in your life in the span of 20-30's, where you promote your product and want to sell as much as possible or, want to grow your business. But, not earning as expected.
As this is startup, here you won’t have the connected customer to sell and no-one is interested in your product. Although your product is unique and you are working your entire day and not getting a single penny and had lost all hope of earning at that point but guys remember coca-cola sold only 25 bottles the first year. “Patience” plays important role. God given lesson “he says, you do what you’re given to and not expect anything in return from me, but I will give you what you deserve not what you had thought of!”

After every expansion BOOM is like an inbuilt product with it. Boom is like, there will be one product or news or a video or a blog, which will be like the most-wanting product or a newspaper or a YouTube video or a blog in the society and everybody is like crazy for that, at that time for you everything will change.
At that moment your life will change to the opposite direction, just appreciate your hard work and persistence you maintained till here and always try to push out your ego on the way. It ultimately means that do smart work and have patience, also let your ego buried in between because recession is on your way.
And as I mentioned it the most damaging because here, there will be a few who builds Ego with their building business, so for that type of person, Recession will be the worst part of life. So, never feel like “I am the Gratest!”.

It is a term which is inevitable in this process, shortly means that once you reached the topmost position, God will challenge and check your Ego and patience, by giving you many setbacks.
According to the businessman this time which we called”Corona pandemic” is they called in their words “Recession” because here “better will become the best and worse will be removed”. So, this is what called “Recession”.
Ultimate information, what I Mean by Recession waiting for the ego-builder is that, in this stage, they will be dropped on their face on the ground and will not be able to stand up. So, practice not to build an “Ego” with your growing business.

4.Depression(“The end is The New beginning”)
Last and the most dominant step of the entire process for all of us, in here most people get depressed because of losing everything in the rescission and disable to stand up once again. The only thing that matters is the mindset in this type of situation. Best example Mukesh Ambani (he fixed his position in the top 5 richest people on the Earth in this pandemic)
So, how to overcome this situation?
This stuff is pretty easy, “do not focus on what you have lost or what you don’t have, try to focus on the things you have accessibility on”, and start at that right moment from scratch, because in this time even billionaires have to start from nothing.
Never take this situation as granted, just this moment start learning or do anything you are interested in, and see the growing result in few months (But it requires intense hard work and patience).

In conclusion, The process is never-ending. You will get everything once you started “but” detach Ego on the way because if not then recession is yet to come. And always “The End is The New Beginning”.

I hope you understand deeply about these stages of the life of what I called “Corporate-world process”.

“Thank You”



Vraj Patel

Life long learner. Currently :Blogging📖, Learning Coding 🔰 and web development 🌐. Chase dreams.