Four Life Lessons I Learned from My Life!

Vraj Patel
3 min readAug 1, 2020

(2nd and 4th is what I think plays major role.)

1. Being You!

The most important lesson to learn is to chase your dream although if it is unique and if you try to follow others path then you must be unsatisfied at the end.
Following your dreams is like if you want to be a Doctor but according to your current situation your most necessary thing to survive is money so, if someone told you that in online business you get more money in a short time, then 90% of people will start and will ignore their dream, ultimately they will be remain of nowhere so, start doing what you love to do.
But remember you can earn from that also, you just have to put on your 100% potential. So, get ready to give your best to achieve more than you thought of!

I learned in the way of my success that “patience” plays a dominant role in the journey of success. Every single human being who is a successful person right now once had the worst time in their life but they had “patience” and they all just think that “after every worse night there’s always a shining bright day”.
Patience is to Mould your Attitude and Ego and to make you a gentle and humble human being. It is to warn you that more obstacles are yet on the way so, wait and don’t be aggressive of your situation.

3.Trust/Believe In Yourself!
Before planning to work on something believe that you can make it happen. Every morning after waking, see into the mirror and say you are the greatest! Every single day, and gradually you will start believing that you are the greatest!
Trust yourself otherwise, you will not believe that you are here for a “Reason” that had given by God to accomplish and be a great person but not for serving people. So, find out that reason and your path will be “straightforward”. Remember it can be anything like singing, dancing, playing cricket or football, carpentering or drawing, it can be anything so follow it without any hesitation and shame.

4.Faith In God!
In the way of your dreams, there will be numerable set-backs only faith in God will get you through it because he will give the reason to accomplish it and you will feel like there is still someone who believes in you and that will give you the spark to work on it although getting failed more often.
This two simple word which seems to be very simple “Trust God” but when you will be there in the situation where your money will be at stake or your future will be at stake or your life will be at stake, you will realize how hard it is to “Trust God”. But he is the only one how will get you through rough times and give you the strength to crawl, to walk and lastly to run towards your wish to fulfill.
So, have “faith in God”!

I just want to say that, following your dream will be the most satisfying and easy way to succeed because hard not be feels like working insane and like you are enjoying the process but have “patience” and believe yourselves, most importantly “Trust God”, finally success is waiting for you.

“Now this is “Vraj Patel” signing off.”

Check out my website Treespa

“Thank You”



Vraj Patel

Life long learner. Currently :Blogging📖, Learning Coding 🔰 and web development 🌐. Chase dreams.