Control your Mind or Else You Will be Controlled!

Vraj Patel
2 min readAug 2, 2020


There are two types of persons residing in this world, one who controls their mind and had been a successful person as well as being an example to the society, whereas the remain ones are those who are controlled by their mind and hadn’t created any impact on to the Earth.

But How to Control Your Mind?
There are numerous ways to do that but I prefer “Meditation” because it teaches you “patience” and that is the most dominant thing in life if you want to be a model for society who follows your path and give you the strength to be stable and may your decisions fall on the right coin.
So, Just start meditating today onwards for 5 minutes in starting and eventually you will see difference in your character, attitude and the way you make decisions(it will be wise!).
But why meditation?
So, while you are meditating you are controlling your mind and giving him commands to follow, and after a few months of constant meditation, your mind will automatically think like he will do what you say and not like before in which mind was controlling you.

Set some Daily-Goals.
Every day give your mind small-small tasks to complete and you will see differences in your lifestyle and how you overcome worst situations as well as you will notice that your mind is following your opinion.
And as I had mentioned in my previous blog(how to make an achieving and productive mindset), if you are unable to wake in the morning try to speak out loud 5,4,3,2,1 and at that right moment wake up, and try this for 39 days and by passing time it will be your daily routine activity.

Lastly, I want to mention that it all comes down on you whether you want to be an example(which people follows) or an unknown-man died without any achievement and full of Regret. But you deserve better(if you work to your full potential)”Choice is yours!”

I hope you like this motivating and short blog on “Mind Control”.

Must Read this blog “How to Make an Achieving and Productive Mindset”.

Now, this is “Vraj Patel” signing off.

“Thank You”



Vraj Patel

Life long learner. Currently :Blogging📖, Learning Coding 🔰 and web development 🌐. Chase dreams.